New Education for a New Economy Conference


The dclass conference offered their tickets for purchase with either Euros or a special currency of “Karma”. All but 20 of the tickets were bought with Karma, which could take many forms – from bringing food to their coffee break or doing other tasks, to helping someone not connected to the conference at all, as a form of “paying forward”.

The first day at Heimathafen Neukölln had a very interesting selection of keynote speakouts about education outside of the tradition school system and ventures that depart from the standard economical model.

It was a pleasure to talk about the Currency Lab board game for the crowd in the “Life 3.0” panel during their second day of activities. I brought some paper copies of the game that were quickly snatched up, and I’m looking forward to the new players’ feedback!


Lenara Verle

Lenara Verle researches media art, collaboration and alternative currencies.

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