Category: articles

Here you can find longer texts about subjects involving art & currency, open design, alternative economy and other topics.

Three Economies in the Warhols Currency

The Warhols experimental art currency is coming to the Economia Festival in Eindhoven. Attendees will be able to get and spend their Warhols in three quite different ways.   The Creative Economy is organized...

Spreeblüte – a currency for Berlin

Could money be freely available like wild flowers blossoming along the river? How can a community create their own independent medium of exchange? Sexy but poor Despite its vibrant art scene and famous tourist...

Artists as Bankers, Currency as Art

Alternative currencies can be developed as emergency responses to an economic crisis and lack of enough “official” currency, or as proactive initiatives to foster local and underserved economies, but can also be created as...

The 100 Euro Dinner

A performance by Richard Pettifer, Sonja Hornung and Carrie McIlwain The idea for “the Dinner” performance came up when a relative from Australia gave the artists 100 euro as a gift. The instructions said it should be...