Tagged: currency

Currency examples past and present

Get the little fact book featuring 14 real world alternative currencies, several of which inspired the challenges in the Currency Lab board game. How did they solve those challenges? Many of their strategies were...

Three Economies in the Warhols Currency

The Warhols experimental art currency is coming to the Economia Festival in Eindhoven. Attendees will be able to get and spend their Warhols in three quite different ways.   The Creative Economy is organized...

Inspiration Feed 07.26

Vodka and potatoes as currency, basic income experiment, dotcommunism & more … links selection – 26.july.15

Spreeblüte – a currency for Berlin

Could money be freely available like wild flowers blossoming along the river? How can a community create their own independent medium of exchange? Sexy but poor Despite its vibrant art scene and famous tourist...

Inspiration Feed 05.14

Inventing currencies, concentration of wealth in Brazil, transformational sharing, behavioural economics & more… links selection – 14.may.15

Inspiration Feed 04.15

Attentional commons, community currencies, quantitative easing for the people & more… links selection  – 15.apr.15

Inspiration Feed 01.15

local currencies, bullshit jobs, collaborative funding, debating the sharing economy, revolution paradigms & more… links selection  – 15.jan.15

Inspiration Feed 01.08

currency design, solar energy, giving directly, cuban coops & more… links selection  – 08.jan.15

Thank you beta testers!

One round took two hours!  The first test play of the game exceeded our expectations in many ways. We got some very useful suggestions for optional rules and tweaks that will make the game more interesting. The next step...

Inspiration Feed 01.01

computer simulated currencies, participatory budgeting, statement cryptocurrencies & more… links selection  – 01.jan.15